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We have a number of ministries to disciple one another in Christ. This means that as God reveals himself to us through the Scripture, His Holy Spirit empowers us to live in a manner worthy of the calling we have received! 


"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Bible Studies

We have a number of small group Bible studies which meet on various days in people's homes both in town and out of town. Here we have fellowship and grow in Christ as we study His Word and build one another up in Christ. 

Youth Group

(Age 12-17) Youth Group meets Monday from 7 pm - 8:30 pm at the church. We have a discipleship focus, helping our youth know and understand the Word of God, giving them tools to study it themselves, understanding foundational theology, including a proper God-centered Gospel, a high view of God, and His Word, so that they may know the God of Scripture.

Men's Breakfast

We often have a men's breakfast at the church on the last Saturday of the month at 8:00 am. We usually spend some significant time reading through Scripture, seeing God's revelation from the grand context of Scripture.

Women's Ministry

Our mission is to glorify God through Biblical teaching, Christ-centered fellowship, worship, and prayer, as we encourage each other to serve Jesus with surrendered hearts. We meet for brunch at 10 am on the first Saturday of each month, as well as in home group Bible studies, and retreats.


We have traditionally heavily supported missions financially. We have also had the opportunity to embark ourselves on a number of short term missions trips. We are seeking to support missionaries who are actively preaching the Gospel, and discipling those whom our God saves. We are personally involved with a mission in Honduras called Adventure in Mission, and fully support two of their nursing staff at the clinic there.

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